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Te Aroha Dirt Kart Club Rules

Te Aroha Dirt Kart Club Rules and Regulations

2023 - 2024

Rule Comment

The Spirit and intent of these rules is the standard by which Karting at our club will be conducted. Any breach, either technical or by deed may bring about a disqualification. These rules are interwoven with all other club rules and are to be used in conjunction with any other appropriate ruling. If you are contemplating modifications to your kart, do not assume that the modifications will be accepted - ASK FIRST. When you present your kart for scrutineering, pay your race fee and sign the indemnity form, it is understood that you are fully aware of these rules. All rules laid down by the club are to be abided by.

Intoxicating liquor and drugs

Refreshment containing alcohol and/or drugs are absolutely forbidden and will result in exclusion, suspension or disqualification either for the competitor or his/her pit crew or officials. Smoking is not permitted in track pit or grid area or any other place fuel is stationed. NB:We are now subject to the MPDC By-Law 2008, Schedule 4 of the Public Safety By Law.

Safety Comment;These rules are designed with one thing in mind - SAFETY.

Eligibility and requirements to compete, interpretation of rules, regulations and specification. Misunderstanding or misinterpretation of any of these rules, regulations and specifications does not invalidate the rule. The correct interpretation if required will be made by the Race Convener or President.

Club Members Responsibilities; To Know, Respect and adhere to the TADK Club Rules. Conduct themselves in a responsible and safe manner on the Grid, Track and surrounding areas at all times.

Eligibility; The competitor (and parent/guardian, caregiver, for drivers under 18 years) shall be conversant with all the rules governing Karting and be present during the entire day while competitor is racing. Identification is required for everyone wishing to race. No person shall drive in competition, practice or testing, a class of kart other than that specified for their age group.

Club Fees

These are payable to the Club Secretary. The fee period commences 1st October each year and expires 30 September the following year.

Memberships Fees

Family Membership(parents/caregivers with school age children)..............$90.00

2 Adult Members ( legal partners)................................................................$75.00

1 Adult Membership.....................................................................................$60.00

Junior racing membership (16 years and under)..........................................$30.00

Social Membership.......................................................................................$15.00

Race Day Fees

Day License Racing Fee (per class entered) One member                     $20.00

If more than one family member is racing Two members                      $35.00

Three                                   $50.00

Four or more                       $60.00

Non Members                     $40.00 per class

NOTE: The above fees are for one class entered.

An extra $20.00 per class($40.00 non-members) is required for each class a driver enters.

Included in membership fee is membership/scrutineering card and a copy of rules.

Equipment & Responsibility

INDEMNITY: Every driver and parent/caregivers/guardian ( if competitor is under 18 years) whether in practice or competition must sign an indemnity form before racing. A guardian signing on behalf of a minor, must be in attendance at all time during the day. This will in effect indemnify the promoting organization of any responsibility to the driver or equipment. The definition of "practice or competition" shall mean from reserve gate open to reserve gate closed at end of day.

It is the Competitors Responsibility to: Ensure that an entry form is completed in full and correct detail, present to the scrutineers their Kart in a clean & race ready condition with crash helmet, neck brace, gloves, footwear and race gear. Be fully conversant with all TADKC rules.

Acceptable Behavior: Physical or verbal abuse of any kind by official, competitor or spectator, whether directed at a fellow competitor or official, will NOT be tolerated. Any breach of this rule or any behavior detrimental to the image of Karting at TADKC can result in disqualification/expulsion or any further penalties that may be imposed.

General Driving Instructions: A high standard of driver behavior is expected and will be enforced. A Kart must be driven at all times within the capabilities & expertise of the driver. In a passing maneuver it is the responsibility of each driver to maintain his/her position on the track & avoid contact. A passing maneuver is deemed to have begun when 2 karts overlap each other by 50% or more. At no time are the wheels of the kart to leave the track & move onto the grass intentionally. This is deemed an illegal maneuver.

Dangerous Driving: barging, shunting, chopping off, sudden line changes will not be tolerated.

Withdrawal from competition must be clearly indicated with a hand signal and parked in a safe area off the track. A competitor may not restart during competition.

Accidents: Any Kart involved in a serious accident MUST be presented to a Scrutineer before returning to the track. Injuries MUST be reported to the Race Convener. A serious injury will require medical clearance.

In the event of an accident which may impede your ability to operate a Kart and which requires referral to a hospital, medical centre or GP, a signed medical clearance to race must be produced.

All Competitors and Pit Crew must use extreme care when operating karts in the pit area or any other place around persons.

Procedure for on track related incidents/complaints

Step 1. Take complaint to the Race Convener, Black Flag person or Chief Steward to mediate.

NOTE; further steps involve a $50.00 protest fee.

Step 2. The complaint must be put in writing, dated & signed by Driver or guardian.

Step 3. Complaint is now taken to Committee Meeting. All parties to be notified when & where.

Step 4. All parties must attend. If complainant fails to attend complaint becomes Null & Void

Step 5. Complaint will be heard in full and resolved at this meeting.

NOTE: If complaint is upheld, the fee is refunded.

Procedure for non - track related incidents/complaints: See Committee Persons

Age Upgrading ( Season Start as of 1 November)

A driver upon reaching the lower age limit for their next respective Class may ; Immediately move into Junior Restricted/Junior/Senior Classes or continue in their respective class. A driver upon reaching the maximum age limit ( after season start ) may continue in that class until end of current season is reached.

Classes All Competitors are subject to the following age limits.

The Cadet Class: Being drivers aged 6 years and under 10 years. They are not permitted to race in the Junior Restricted, Junior or Senior Class. Please note that Kart engine Racket is 85cc or no more than 6.5hp stationary engine as from 1/10/09. Racket engines & standard 6.5hp engines will be split into two classes within the Cadet class except during club champs or at the discretion of the race convener.

Junior Restricted Class: Being drivers 10 years & under the age of 14 years. They are not permitted to compete in Cadet, Junior or Senior Class. Boxed Muffler is compulsory.

Junior Class: Being drivers aged 12 years and under 17 years. Minimum weight to enter is 55kg with helmet. They are not eligible to compete in the Senior Class if under 16 years of age as at 1 November.

Senior Classes: Minimum age 16 years as at 1 November.

Weights: Senior Lights- Min 70kg, Max under 89.99kg, body weight all up ( fully race suited )

Senior Heavy- Min 90kg all up. Max allowable added weight to be no more than 3kg

Senior Open - Karts 1cc - 252cc Rotary now allowed with proof of cc rating

Senior Ladies- KT100 & Non Evo Rotax only. Min 70kg

A competitor may only enter 1 kart per weight class. Shared Karts with added weight for 1 driver must be carried by the other driver. No removal of weight is allowed.

Weights are to be fitted to the seat or floor pan with a minimum of 1 x 8mm capscrew or high tensile bolt per 3kg weight. Maximum weight in any one attachment not to exceed 6kg.

Scrutineering: Time and place 8.30 on dummy grid/shute area-join the queue and stay with your kart. Present your kart in a clean and race ready condition with race gear and scrutineering card.

Engine Start: Engines may be started at 9.30am BUT WILL CEASE FOR DRIVERS BRIEFING.

Flag Description: Green = Start of the race

Red = Immediately cease racing, obey Stewards instructions.

Yellow = Reduce speed & hold position (no overtaking)

Blue = Hold your course you are about to be lapped

Black = Rolled up, warning (mechanical or driver behavior ) Report to chief steward within 10 minutes of the end of the race You are not to race again until the matter is resolved.

Open Stop racing immediately and return to the designated area remain with your kart and await chief steward. You are not to race again until clearance has been given.

White = You have one lap to go in the race

Chequered Flag = Signifies the end of race. Is shown to all karts irrespective or their number of laps completed once the LEAD kart has completed all laps and crossed the finishing line.

Flag Control

Must only be given to experienced persons. All flags must remain on the course until the absolute conclusion of the meeting. Strict penalties will be imposed for failing to obey any given flag.

Racing Helmet: Full face helmets must be at all times when operating a kart. helmet must fit properly and be securely fastened. only approved NZ safety helmets are permitted and these will be checked regularly.

Visor Tear-Offs: Not to be removed while on race track.

Eye Protection: Helmet visors must be properly fitted to give complete eye protection. Goggles are a permitted alternative. Glasses of any nature must be worn under a visor. All lenses must be clear and clean.

Neck Braces: Strongly recommended However All drivers in Cadet and Junior Classes MUST wear a neck brace at all times while racing and during practices.

Clothing: A minimum of cotton overalls must be worn. All suits must be strapped at wrist and ankles with NO arm or leg skin showing.

Gloves: All drivers must wear gloves and be of substantial material Eg leather, be firm fitting and worn at all times during practice and racing.

Footwear: Suitable footwear is of enclosed type, giving full foot protection. Laced type with ankle protection preferred.

Long Hair: Hair must be retained within your protective apparel. Extremely long hair must be retained within a hood or balaclava.

Number Plates and Numbering; All drivers must affix a large black number on white or yellow(lime green if current club champ) plastic or appropriate backing and attach them to the kart front and rear, plus side pods. This is your racing number.

1) Front & rear plates shall be flexible material with a flat surface large enough to display numbers which must be a min of 120mm high & a min of 20mm wide and in plain font. Numbers must be a min of 10mm from the edge of backing plate with a 10mm gap between double or triple digits.

2) Side numbers may be attached to the inner part of the side pod with a flexible plastic plate(No metal brackets permitted) or stuck to the outside of pod as in 1).

3) All numbers are to comply with the colours of the class without highlight lines or borders and be clean before each race.

4) Green plates with black numerals for 1st 2nd 3rd winners of club champs only.

X Plates: All new drivers, drivers who have not raced at TADKC within the prior two seasons and drivers not yet considered confident will be required to affix an X over their numbers and run off the rear of the grid. These will be removed at the discretion of the race convener. NOTE: No X platers to enter Club Champs.

Trackside Equipment: No tools are allowed on the track with the exception of the Cadet Racket and Junior restricted starters.

Outside Assistance: Junior Restricted & Cadet Drivers are permitted controlled outside assistance to restart.( To signal a startup is required,the driver must stay in kart & raise their hand in the air). A steward has the discretion to order a stop to restart attempt.

At no stage of driving a kart may both hands be removed from the steering wheel at the same time.

Refueling a kart on the grid or the track is not permitted.

A driver may be called by number only to report to the Steward. Driver must report to Steward concerned within 15 minutes. Any driver stalling in a race must raise one hand above head and remain in the kart until it is safe to move.

Vision: In the driving position a driver must be able to look over the steering wheel.

Two Minute Rule: The two minute rule applies from the grid only.

Jurisdiction: Drivers awaiting the start of an event are under the control of the Grid Marshall or assistant. Once the race has commenced, jurisdiction reverts to the Chief Marshall.

POLE DRIVER sets the pace and must not be passed. If the pole driver drops out number two sets the pace and so on. All gaps in the grid must be left as gaps. On the approach to the starter, karts must maintain two straight lines. With the exemption of any gaps, karts must remain closely in formation behind the front kart on pole- no slingshoting. On the start signal, the race is on. NOTE: No acceleration or lane changing is permitted until karts pass the acceleration line which is shown by a cone in the middle of the track on start only. No passing is permitted before the Green Flag has dropped. Drivers will be penalized to the rear of the field after one warning for infringement.

False Starts; In any type of starting procedure, where the starter in conjunction with the chief steward considers a breach of rules has been made and/or an advantage gained by a competitor, the race can either be stopped and offending driver/s penalized and the race restarted.

Restarts: Only existing race participants may partake in restarts.

Cadet Class:- Remain in kart with a hand in the air indicating the need for assistance. Guardians to wait on infield by a flag marshall until they are needed.

Junior/Jr/Kt;- Engine stops= Kart to be removed from track to infield(when safe to do so) and are not to rejoin the race.

Rotax/Open/Clutch- Spin outs = May return to race when way is clear without gaining any advantage or position.

ONCE A Driver is out of their seat they are out of the race and may not return to the race.

Official Restarts; This may be called once the race has started and before a kart has passed the second flag point. There is no Official restart once a kart has passed this point unless so called at the discretion of the Chief Marshall.

Nut, Locknut & Nyloc nut Policy: All of the above on bolts should preferably have at least two full turns of bolt thread showing. Minimum requirement is "proud of flush" with the top of the nyloc nut.

Brakes: 1) Must be foot operated, and must operate on both rear wheels as minimum.

2) Must be capable of stopping the kart. The rear wheels must not turn when the brakes are applied by hand

3) Front brakes on Open Class only

4) Where only bolts retain brake pads, the bolts must be drilled & a safety wire affixed or if splitpins are used they are to be in manufactured condition with a minimum diameter of 3mm

5) All brake systems & pedal mounting bolts must be of high tensile material.

6) Drilling of brake components for lightning is not permitted (discs excluded).

Brake Actuator Rods:1) Rods are to be a minimum of 6mm diameter solid steel if the threaded ends are cut into the rod or 5mm if the threaded ends are rolled on the end of the rod.

2) must have 2.25mm diameter minimum back up cable if using steel linkage rods to either master cylinder or brake unit.

Brake cables: All single brake cables must be multi-strand steel wire of 2.25mm diameter and must be fastened by a machine swagged fitting or by positive methods that cannot cut into the wire.

Duel cables to be a minimum of 1.9mm dia and fastened as above. Both cables are to be in good operable condition at all times.

Ignition Kill Switch: Compulsory on all karts competing. Is to be of latching type and not momentary. In short it clicks off and stays off.

Gear changing Mechanism; Must be placed in safe position and be securely fitted.

Undertray (floor pan) must be of suitable non-perforated material, 1.2mm for steel & aluminium or 2.00mm for reinforced fiberglass/carbon fibre. From a seated position, the floor tray shall have no void large enough to permit any part of the drivers body to pass through. It must be confined within the main chassis rails, and be parallel to the chassis and fitted above the tags welded to the floor tray within the sub area must not protrude below the bottom of the chassis and may Not be drilled for lightness. No skirts or sealing devices are to be below the chassis rails. It is preferred securing nuts be on the top of the floor tray. If below they must Not protrude below the level of any chassis rail. Floor tray must extend forward of the driver's feet to between the front edge and lowest point of the seat.

Screws are to have 2 threads exposed past nyloc nuts.

Seating: All seating must be of solid design. Seat frame must be firmly bolted or clamped to the kart rails/bearing hangers. Driver to fit seat comfortably and securely. No loose covers/foam or pillows are permitted.

Fasteners: All fasteners under the kart must be bolted upright. no bolt is to protrude in a dangerous manner.

Exotic Compounds: Carbon Fibre Compounds may only be used in Seats, Nassau Panels and Floor trays. No other Exotic elements are permitted.

Side Pods; Are compulsory for all classes. The pod shall be as supplied by the manufacturer. Modification for side mounted engines and/or external starters are acceptable. They are NOT to be used as fuel tanks or ballast support.

Side pod Dimensions; 1) With front wheels in a straight ahead position, the leading outer edge of the pod must be inside the plane covering the outside of the front tyre. The pod must not touch the front or rear tyres. 2) The rear of the pod must cover at least 80% of the rear tyre track width and must not be more than 25mm outside the outside edge of the rear tyre.

3) Ground clearance must be a minimum of 25mm and 100mm max.

Mounting of side pod: 1) Mounting bars must be welded or bolted at all fixing points and are to be attached at a minimum of two points to the chassis. Mounting bars are not to protrude past 75% of the inside of the pod and must have no open ends.

2) Tube dia to be a min of 19.0 mm and max of 30.0mm.Min tube wall thickness is 1.2mm.

Side Bars(Nerf Bars): If side bars are fitted there must be no open ends. Bars must be securely fastened to the kart at two points by bolts and nyloc nuts. Nerf bars may be used as long as they consist of at least two horizontal bars and they must cover 80% of rear tyre width and fall within the same dimensional/positional requirements as pods in Side Pod Dimensions 1).

Nassau Panels: 1) Must be no wider than 500mm and no higher than 50mm above the steering wheel. 2) Must be more than 50mm from steering wheel as to not hinder drivers hands and must not restrict drivers vision.

Height: Maximum height of any part of the kart from ground level is 650mm.

Chain Guards: All karts must be fitted with a plastic or metal chain guard that protects the driver/crew and other competitors in the event of a chain breakage. The guard must stay in-line with the chain and must extend from the centre line of the drive sprocket to horizontally level with the rear axle at the rear of the axle sprocket. The guard must be a minimum width of 40mm. Each chain guard must be fixed at a minimum of two points to cover chain and prevent the guard from being dislodged. Motors with flywheels on the outside of the engine must have a guard covering the flywheel.

Sound Levels: Mufflers must be attached and no excessive noise. Sound levels must not exceed 85db at the boundary of the nearest residential property. Any Kart deemed too noisy by three TADK officials present will not be permitted to race until remedied. All 2-stroke karts to run inlet silencer type air-box and to be where applicable stock as per class rulings on the engine.

Exhaust: There must be no less than three springs between the header and muffler and at least two springs holding the muffler to the chassis. Rotax 125cc Max mufflers must have two springs on to the exhaust header and must be bolted/ nyloc nutted to the support rails to secure the muffler to the chassis. The muffler must not protude outside the rear wheel track or kart length.

Front and Back Bumpers and anti-intrusion bar : Compulsory on all karts.

Nose Cones are compulsory. Must be securely attached to the kart and cable tie the clamps to the frame only. Must be of plastic only and be non-splintering. No metallic rods, frames or bars to be fitted to or inside nose cone.

Tyres: No Canvas Showing. SLICKS only, no wet or grooved tyres are permitted. No grinding or buffing. Minimum Tyre Pressure 5 psi



Fuel Tank: Other Than Fuel Injection- May be of any fuel resistant material provided it is of leak proof solid construction and securely mounted. All fuel lines must have no leaks.

1) Aluminium or steel materials can be used with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm

2) No plastic/aluminium/stainless steel food or drink containers of any type are permitted.

3)The fuel tank shall be securely mounted to the floor tray or chassis/steering column support and positioned between the drivers legs on the floor tray.

4)CADET tanks must be of Original Equipment Manufacture and placement.

5)An overflow/breather line must be fitted to prevent spillage on tanks that are mounted in front of drivers.

6)Breather/vent tube must either be fitted into a catch bottle or terminate at or below chassis level.

Fuel Lines:

1)Fuel lines must be of approved/acceptable material designed for the transportation of fuel.

2)All fuel lines and connections must not show signs of leakage.

Fuel Type:


Only pump gas is to be used, no “race bred” fuels or fuel additives allowed.


(1)Can be used in OPEN and SHIFTER classes only and the Kart is to have the letter M clearly visible on the number plates.

(2)Fuel mix must have at least 15% petrol fuel content-(is visible by colour and shows a flame in the event of an external fire).

(3)Alcohol powered kart must be scrutineered and passed fit as an “alcohol” kart.

(4)Membership Race Card must show that the kart is alcohol fuelled.


Any suspension device, either elastic or hinged is prohibited. No jacking aids are permitted.


(1)Shall be effected by the operation of a full circle wheel- no ends.

(2)The steering wheel boss (hub) is to be an original OEM genuine manufactured product.

(3)Steering shaft end must not be able to pass through steering wheel centre.

(4)All bolts passing through steering wheel hub must be nyloc, split pinned or lock nutted-(two full turns of thread protruding from nut).

(5)Any spacer between steering wheel and boss is to be no thicker than 20mm and must be metal: See Appendix 1 for limits on steering wheel spacer and boss in relation to cross-bolt.

(6)The steering shaft is to be a minimum of 1.8mmdiameter and have a minimum wall thickness of 1.4mm if tubular.

(7)Steering shaft must have dual quadrants if tubular.

(8)Steering shaft must not be welded or joined other than at the quadrants(points where the rod end connections are made) and at the end where the bottom shaft is fitted for the pivot.

(9)The tie rods are to be a minimum of 8mm steel rod or 12mm outside diameter aluminium. An engaged thread length minimum 8mm is required between the tie rod and rose joint- a 1.5mm diameter hole must be present 8mm in from each end of the tie rod for inspection. Rose type joints of PEG, plastic/nylon, and or pressed metal type are not permitted.

(10)The drilling of any steering components for lightness is not permitted. There must be no drilling through the steering shaft that is that is visible below the steering wheel boss.

Front Wheels: All nuts must be nyloc, pinned or double nuts and must be secure. At least two full turns of thread to be exposed past the nyloc nuts.

Clutches: Are compulsory on Cadet & Rotax Class/s only but maybe used by other Class Kart.

Axle Composition: All Karts MUST use axles of Magnetic Steel or alloy material.

Rear Track Width: (outside to outside of rear tyres) Minimum of 1150mm Maximum 1400mm 

                             senior classes only

Throttle Cable & Linkages: Must have 2 return springs, one to the throttle body and the second to accelerator pedal both able to shut the throttle if one should fail.

NB All nuts must be either nyloc, pinned or double nuts.

Engines: A supplementary rule book has been developed in relation to engines. A set of testing gauges have been purchased by the club if required. At present all engines to National karting guidelines, except Cadet Stationary engines in stock standard 6.5hp. format, with recoil or electric start and must have centrifugal clutch.

Stationary Engine – modifications are allowed only to Open Class as long as they don’t exceed 252cc.


1.All systems of varying the drive ratio in motion by torque manipulation are forbidden in all classes except Shifter or Open Class.

2.Gear levers to be firmly attached and in a safe, operable position.

3.Front wheel drive systems are forbidden.

4.Intermediate gear reduction systems, more commonly known as jack shaft systems are allowed provided the reduction drive is a direct drive system fitted without a clutch assembly and the intermediate gear reduction system can be fitted either directly to the frame or between the engine and the mounting bracket.


COMMENT: The chief steward after consultation with scrutineer, race convenor, and president or representative shall have discretionary powers with regard to whether a kart is fit to race, even though it may comply with specifications.


Club Championships: Senior drivers and their kart are registered for the club championship and are not allowed to swap karts during the day, any changes must to authorized by the president, race convener and one other committee member. This does not apply to the junior drivers.


Drivers and Club Members Responsibilities:

•To know, respect, and adhere to the Club Rules

•Conduct themselves in a responsible and safe manner on the Grid and Track Areas

•To ensure their racing gear, crash helmet, neck braces, gloves and race footwear are compliant with TADK Club Rules


Present themselves, their kart clean and gear for checking at scrutineering on time.











Engine Rules:

Race convenor

Kim Coughey 021-245-5990

Track manager-

Barry Monds

Race secretary/Grid Marshall -

Roxy Hart

Lap Scorer

Boo Durbin


Flag Marshall


Chief Steward-

Mark Dodge

Chief Scrutineers

Mike Limmer

Craig Durbin

Water kart pilot /Track prep


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